Sareet ’81 and Rajjina Majumdar

Family Leaves Its Own Legacy to the School That Gave Them So Much

Sareet and Rajjina MajumdarIn the spring of 1972, Sareet Majumdar ’81 joined Berkeley Preparatory School as a third-grade student. As he progressed through the years, the school grew as well. “I started at the old Berkeley Preparatory School Lower School,” Sareet recalls. “I moved to the Berkeley Preparatory School Hotel on Davis Islands in 7th grade in 1976, and then to the current campus in 10th grade in 1979.” Fast forward from Sareet’s Berkeley Preparatory School graduation in 1981 to 2012, when he attended the Berkeley Preparatory School commencement ceremony of his first child, Shaun. His other sons, Jay and Rowan, would also follow in their father’s footsteps, graduating from Berkeley Preparatory School in 2014 and 2017.

“One thing that remains constant through the multiple campus locations and two generations of my family at Berkeley Preparatory School is that the school has always focused on developing the total individual,” Sareet stated. “College preparatory academics are always key, but Berkeley Preparatory School gives us a strong sense of being good citizens and making a positive difference in whatever environment we find ourselves.”

Sareet and his wife Rajjina decided to share their passion for Berkeley Preparatory School by creating the Majumdar Family Scholarship Fund, which provides a Berkeley Preparatory School education to those who could not otherwise afford it. “We are working to fund a fully endowed scholarship for a student to attend Berkeley Preparatory School, and we recently committed $1.5 million through a legacy gift that will add additional scholarship opportunities,” he said. “My children and I benefited from a great foundational education at Berkeley Preparatory School. If you have the means to do so, pass it forward so that others can also benefit from what we were fortunately able to receive,” he added.

Rajjina and Sareet are aware of how challenging it can be for many families to afford a Berkeley Preparatory School education. “We want to get to the point that all admissions are need-blind, like many of the finest colleges in the nation. To do this, we need to get a commitment from our community of parents and alumni who have had some financial success and want to give back to Berkeley Preparatory School in a meaningful way,” Sareet explained.

“We know it can be difficult to reconnect with your high school, especially if you are no longer living in that community. But wouldn’t it be great to provide a legacy gift to others in need so they could attend the same school that started you on your path to success?” For Sareet and his family, that is the way to truly make a positive difference and leave a lasting legacy. Contact Laura Grams at (813) 885-1673 or to learn more.